Kids vs Mexican Spanish: Talking World

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Need a reason to jump into Mexican Spanish with your child? Language experts suggest that children who learn a foreign language in early childhood show certain cognitive advantages over children who do not. But not only that, learning a new language is FUN! And with Kids vs Mexican Spanish: Talking World, introducing Mexican Spanish has never been easier.

Perfect for children aged 18 months to 6 years+ (not to mention adults too!), this interactive book will teach your little one kid-friendly Mexican Spanish vocabulary words through cute illustrations and easy to understand native audio, text and translations. Simply tap and play – it’s that simple! Words cover everyday objects any child will come across, such as household items, toys, numbers and much much more!

Here’s what’s inside:

  • 16 Chapters filled with 274 words covering common objects found in any kid’s world
  • Easy tap and play interactive layout for fingers big and small
  • Colorful, kid-friendly drawings to help illustrate each vocabulary word
  • Native Mexican Spanish and English translation audio pronunciation
  • Easy to read English and Mexican Spanish spelling

Download Kids vs Mexican Spanish: Talking World and start speaking Mexican Spanish with your child today!

Kids vs Mexican Spanish: Talking World

Our Books

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Our Story


KidsVsLife began with a rather complex question from a curious kid: Where does rain come from?

On the surface, it seems like a simple question. The words are simple. For an adult mind, the water cycle concept is simple. But when I tried to explain the concept to my 4-year-old, I was met with the dreaded barrage of “why?”

I was sharing this story with a colleague, who shared a similar story of a daddy stunned by the complex question their child asked and their inability to explain it on a child’s level. We joked that there could be and should be a manual on how to answer these questions. Then the laughing turned into a moment of seriousness.

We work at a very creative company, and one of our colleagues is an extremely talented artist. We approached the artist with the idea, and he joined us.

To get things going, we would meet once a week during our lunch hour to select the story and talk about how to get this project off the ground. Our initial goal was to complete a book; that took 2 months. We learned a lot doing it, and had a lot of fun. We decided to make another one using the lessons from our first experience.

At the time of this website, we’re working on our 5th book.

The topic is KidsVsLife: we try to introduce more mature concepts, places and things to young children using interesting stories.

About Us



Storyteller: I share words and stories I create with my kids.


Illustrator: I bring imaginary worlds and creatures to life.


Designer: I direct the overall feel and creative aspects.


Builder: I combine everything into a final tangible product.

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